October 27, 2020
Dear Chilliwack FC Family Members,
The abuse and poor behaviour must stop!!!!
The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly caused dramatic changes in many of our lives, from our employment status to how we interact with family and friends to how we do our daily tasks and everything in between. The pandemic has also impacted how we execute the game of soccer for your children. Like any other organization or business Chilliwack FC must comply with National, Provincial, and Municipal health orders as they relate to how soccer is delivered here in Chilliwack. The Chilliwack FC Return to Play Covid-19 Policy was developed with you and your child(ren)’s safety at the forefront of mind. The policy not only meets the minimum requirements of the health orders that are and have been in place but in some cases, it exceeds them. There can be many arguments on either side of the table about the policy and all may be valid but please know the policy, its contents, and its execution isn’t changing.
A part of the health orders is contact tracing and unfortunately, limiting crowd sizes at games and events. The Chilliwack FC Executive would LOVE to allow everyone into the facilities to watch their favourite player(s) play but we simply cannot because of the health order limiting the crowd size to 49 as per the City of Chilliwack. That health order means we not only have to limit the number of people in the facility, but also make some tough decisions on who can and cannot enter the facility. As per our Return to Play Covid-19 Policy, only one (1) supporter may enter the facility to watch, no siblings, no other family or friends, just one supporter. If the facility attendance is at its maximum then we simply cannot allow anyone else to enter. This is not a Chilliwack FC decision but a Provincial Health Office decision being enforced by Chilliwack FC, because we have to if we want our children to continue to play.
Now to the unfortunate part of all of this. Because some have chosen to make poor decisions in how they conduct themselves when they come to the field and treat our Contact Tracers, Chilliwack FC Volunteers, and Staff so poorly that it can be considered a potential violence in the workplace issue, the Executive has made the following decisions as it pertains to how soccer is executed for the rest of the season for the safety of the aforementioned and you.
o Failure to do this will result in your child not being able to participate in games or training.
It deeply saddens the Chilliwack FC Executive to have to take these measures. We understand and respect these are difficult times for many of us but we simply cannot condone the shockingly poor behaviour we’ve seen the past couple of weeks. Nor can we tolerate how such behaviour directly contradicts our Mission Statement of offering a safe, progressive learning environment, in which all players and stakeholders can participate and benefit from the sport of soccer while developing positive, lifelong experiences.
To those of you who have complied without question and supported Chilliwack FC through these unprecedented times, thank you, we look forward to your continued support. To those of you who have chosen to make an already challenging situation even more so, you’ve been put on notice.
On Behalf of the Chilliwack FC Executive
Andrea Laycock, Chilliwack FC Chairperson