October 15, 2021
Dear Chilliwack FC Families,
As Chilliwack FC prepares for the kids to take to the field this weekend after a short Thanksgiving break, all City of Chilliwack user groups received the email below with an update on proof of vaccination verification as it relates to youth sports and spectators. Despite our communication from last week stating that proof of vaccination will no longer be required today’s communication has given us a different directive. In order for all youth sports organizations, including Chilliwack FC to have more than fifty (50) spectators in attendance proof of full vaccination checks are required for anyone entering the venue. Chilliwack FC’s only goal remains ensuring that your child(ren) can continue to play the game they love in a safe environment. Therefore, to be compliant with the Provincial Health Orders as they are written and ensure we are achieving our goal of keeping your child(ren) playing we will effective immediately be reverting back to requiring proof of full vaccination in order to watch your child(ren) play. Chilliwack FC has hired Allegiance 1 Security to execute the proof of vaccination checks on our behalf at all venues in which we play games.
The Chilliwack FC Executive understands that the flip-flop position is very frustrating and can be confusing for all involved. We also understand that there are some very strong opinions on the pandemic and how it has impacted our daily lives. However, if we want the children to remain active and participating in sport Chilliwack FC must be compliant with the Provincial Health Orders or risk being shut down entirely, something we’re sure none of us want. This is not Chilliwack FC going over and above, this is Chilliwack FC doing what’s needed to keep the children on the field and its members safe and as such we ask that everyone remain respectful of the club’s position whether you agree with it or not.
Respectfully on behalf of the Chilliwack FC Executive,
Andrea Laycock
Chilliwack FC Chairperson