Chilliwack FC News

Grassroots Update – September 2

September 2, 2022

Chilliwack FC is pleased to provide yet another Grassroots Update.

We have now finalized team formation, training schedules, and game times.  You can view your child’s placement in your PowerUp account.

KickStart – U4 will start on Saturday September 17th at 9am. All sessions will take place at the south end of the stadium (closest to the Chilliwack Coliseum) in the warm up area. Players will also receive their uniform that day as well.

U5-U10 Season Kick Off Day – September 10th

As we mentioned in our previous communication we will be holding a Season Kick Off Day for the U5-U10 players at Exhibition Field. This is an opportunity for players to meet their coach, get their uniforms, and play a mini game as we ease our way into the full season.

We ask that players for each of the following age groups attend their scheduled time.

9:00am-10:00am – Exhibition Field
U5 (2018) Boys and Girls
U6 (2017) Boys and Girls
U7 (2016) Boys
U8 (2015-2016) Girls 

10:15am-11:15am – Exhibition Field
U8 (2015) Boys
U9 (2014) Boys

11:30am-12:30pm – Exhibition Field
U10 (2013) Boys
U10 (2013-2014) Girls

The above mentioned times will also be your game times for the entire season. We are in the process of putting the schedule together and hope to have that released by mid next week, if not sooner.  Once posted, the schedule will appear in your PowerUp account.

Training To Start Week of September 12th at Exhibition Field

There has been no change in the training schedule but for the upcoming season but here it is again so you have it handy. Please note there will be no training on Thanksgiving Monday October 10th.

All training will run from 5:15pm-6:30pm

U5 (2018) Boys – Thursday
U6 (2017) Boys – Thursday
U7 (2016) Boys – Thursday
U8 (2015) Boys – Monday
U9 (2014) Boys – Tuesday
U10 (2013) Boys – Wednesday

U5 (2018) Girls – Tuesday
U6 (2017) Girls – Tuesday
U8 (2015-2016) Girls – Monday
U10 (2013-2014) Girls – Wednesday