Coach/Referee Match Report

This report is intended for use on your home games within Chilliwack only. This report will assist us with the development of our match officials it would be helpful to have constructive input from the coaches. Please complete the following report and provide your comments regarding the overall performance of the Referee and Assistant Referees.

This is not meant to be a forum for complaints about how the referee(s) didn’t make the right calls as this tends to be subjective but more a device that will assist us in rewarding our good officials and help us identify areas of improvement that are needed.

This report is meant for teams only and is to be filled out by CFC team officials (Coach/Assistant Coach/Manager) or designated person and not by individual players or spectators.

  • Match Details
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • Referee Details
  • Pre-game Duties
  • Did the referee?
  • Match Details
  • Referee's Performance
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.