Chilliwack FC Health and Safety Policy
Updated July 6, 2021.
- As much as possible this Policy should reflect how Chilliwack FC will respond to any Public Health crisis including:
- Public Health orders related to communicable virus outbreak (COVID-19, Measles, Infuenza, etc.)
- Public Health orders related to Air Quality Advisory as set out by BC Ministry of Environment
- Inclement Weather Warning as set out by Environment Canada or proxy.
- Chilliwack FC must support and comply with Public Health Orders as set out by the BC Public Health Officer and sanctioned through ViaSport, BC Soccer, BC Coastal Soccer League and the Fraser Valley Youth Soccer Association.
- It is not the role of Chilliwack FC to challenge the veracity of any order set out by Public Health Office or interpreted by ViaSport, Soccer Canada, BC Soccer, BC Coastal Soccer League or the Fraser Valley Youth Soccer Association and to do so could result in significant fines and/or sanctions that threaten our ability to remain a viable minor sport organization.
- Chilliwack FC will only enforce the specifics to orders as stated or prescribed by the PHO. Recommendations brought forward by the PHO shall be self-regulated. Chilliwack FC may support recommendations if it is in the best interests of the Club but Chilliwack FC will not enforce recommendations. Chilliwack FC must support and comply with Air Quality Advisories or Weather Warnings as set out by the Ministry of Environment, Environment Canada or their designate.
- Plans should be developed such that the extension of, or any new Public Health orders or warnings can be easily implemented.
- Plans should be developed such that an extension of, or any new Public Health orders or warnings can be easily implemented and, in a way that allows CFC to quickly pivot to the lifting of existing orders/warnings and the resumption of competitive play ( restrictions are lifted).
- All plans for continued play are based on the following principles:
- Practices and games are fun for all players.
- Practices and games are safe for all players.
- Practices and games are developmental appropriate and allow players to gain skill, competence and confidence in themselves as athletes and team mates.
Safety is our primary concern for all participants and, in the absence of specific health orders the Chilliwack FC Executive reserves the right to implement accepted best practice procedures to mitigate the spread of communicable virus or other health related cautions.
Regardless of Public Health Orders or advisories/warnings from applicable Government agencies, player/parents are expected to make the best decision for their individual circumstances. Any decision to remove a player from active play during an outbreak or health advisory will be fully supported by Chilliwack FC and coaches. Please reach out to your coach to determine if modifications or accommodations can be made to support continued participation with your team during an injury or restriction. (e.g. an player with asthma may not be able to play during a moderate air quality advisory but could support their coach and team from the side-lines.)
Best Practice Before You Come to the Field
- Any player/coach/referee not feeling well are not to attend their scheduled session until they are symptom free for 24 hours or as recommended by public health.
- During an Air Quality Advisory or Weather Warning Chilliwack FC will communicate any changes to schedules by:
- Email to all players/coaches/referees through Got Soccer distribution lists
- Posting an update to the Chilliwack FC Website
- Posting an update to Chilliwack FC social media sites
Required during a communicable outbreak as determined by the Public Health Officer or designate:
- The player/coach/referee (or guardian if under 18) must notify Chilliwack FC Health and Safety Officer of the illness at:
- Chilliwack FC may require a doctor’s note before the player/coach/referee can return to play.
- During an active outbreak where play is continuing strict drop-off and pick up protocols may be in place. Be aware of your scheduled start time and ensure you arrive at the field at your designated time. Late arrivals may not be permitted to participate.
Best Practice at the Field
- Each team is required to have a health and safety volunteer (HSV). This may be a shared role if appropriate (team manager can also be HSV, two parents can split the HSV role etc).
- Players/coaches/referees should have a container to store all hygienic materials such as face masks, water bottles, and mouth guards if applicable.
- Kits including water bottles, washable masks and mouth guards should be laundered/sanitized after each use.
- Players should refrain from sharing equipment.
- Sharing of water bottles is prohibited.
- Every effort should be made for a parent/guardian to drop their player off and for the parent/guardian to leave, or remain in their vehicle.
- If a parent/guardian must stay, only 1 adult per player will be permitted in the park/at the field and no siblings will be permitted in the park/at the field. If you must bring siblings to the park/field please remain in your vehicle.
- All spectators must be seated in bleachers or in stands.
- Leaning on fences is strictly prohibited and are considered a contamination of the field of play.
- No lingering/loitering in common areas. Please enter and exit the field and parking lot as soon as possible to reduce the mixing of cohorts.
Required during a communicable outbreak as determined by the Public Health Officer or designate:
- It is recommended that Players/Coaches/Referees/Spectators wear a non-medical mask or protective face shield in and out of the venue, no masks are required for on-field activity unless specifically mandated by Public Health and may change on a case by case basis.
- Social distancing is -recommended. If social distancing is not possible, the players/coaches/referees/parent/guardian should wear a mask at all times as per Public Health recommendations. If the wearing of masks is mandated all players/coaches/referees/spectators must comply. If unable to wear a mask, a face shield is permitted with the understanding that it has a lower efficacy rating than a non-medical mask.
- Chilliwack FC will limit access to spectators as required to maintain compliance with any public health orders, up to and including the prohibition of all spectators.
- Chilliwack FC must comply with additional health and safety requirements as outlined in our rental/lease agreements for fields, gymnasiums or other spaces up to and including: site capacities, data collection requirements, health orders, usage restrictions and any other requirement set forth by the legal owners and their designates.
- During an active outbreak, contact tracing may be required. If required the following procedures will be necessary:
- Each team will be required to have a Health and Safety Volunteer available at every practice/game. In the case of an active outbreak the HSV should not have a coaching role as the monitoring and compliance requirements will increase.
- All players will be required to answer questions relating to their health each time they come to the field. It is imperative that sick children not participate and stay home.
- The Health and Safety Volunteer will submit their findings to the Health and Safety Officer weekly.
- All serious health concerns (reported exposure, confirmed diagnosis, significant symptoms that occur on the field etc) must be reported within 4 hours of event.
- Should this occur the affected player/coach/referee/spectator must be removed from the field of play immediately and isolated until they can safely leave the site. Universal precautions may require that the practice/game pause until the site can be cleaned if needed.
Best Practices On the Field
Required during a communicable outbreak as determined by the Public Health Officer or designate:
- Social distancing expectations should be followed.
- If required mask must be worn at all times.
U11 and Higher
- All players/coaches/referees should enter the field closest to their assigned pitch. Be aware of designated access points for entering/exiting the field area and use as directed.
- It is recommended that coaches wear a face mask/protective shield when social distancing can not be maintained.
- It is recommended that players maintain social distancing on the sidelines.No physical contact between players/coaches is permitted. i.e. Handshakes, high fives.
- Players/coaches/referees must bring their own water bottle that is clearly marked with their name. Sharing of water bottles is strictly prohibited.
- Shared snacks are prohibited.
- If a player requires support to participate in soccer, accommodations must be made through the completion of a care plan and sign-off by Chilliwack FC Health & Safety Team.
U4-U10 Player Support and Spectators
- Health Orders and Municipal restrictions placed on the number of people who can gather for an event, Chilliwack FC’s preference is for parents/guardians to drop the player off and leave.
- If a player requires support to participate in soccer because of age, health or medical accommodation 1 supporter may accompany the player into the venue.
- If the accommodation is required for health or medical concerns a completed care plan must be submitted to the Health & Safety Team for sign-off.
- Social distancing is required and masks are encouraged and if Public Health determines we are in an active outbreak masks may be mandatory.
- If a supporter must stay to watch the training/game siblings and other supporters of the player are not permitted to enter.
- All supporters must go through the contact tracing check in prior to entering the facility or park.
- Be aware of designated access points for entering/exiting the field area and use as directed;
- Parents/Guardians/Supporters are not allowed on the playing surface at all, unless called on in the event of player injury. The only exception will be any programs that require parent participation.
- Supporters must be seated on the bench or in the stands. Leaning on the fence is strictly prohibited.
Important Reminders
Chilliwack FC must comply with all Public Health orders and follow the procedures as outlined by: Public Health Officer or designate, ViaSport, Soccer Canada, BC Soccer, BC Coastal Soccer League, Fraser Valley Youth Soccer Association, City of Chilliwack. An emerging health and safety crisis may require changes be made with limited notice. While Chilliwack FC will make every effort to provide as much notice as possible, we reserve the right to restrict, end or pause play as needed. The safety of our Chilliwack FC family is our highest priority and non-compliance in an order may result in fines or sanctions that threaten the ability for soccer to continue in Chilliwack.
- Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in the Player being removed from the program.
- This is a living document that may be amended at any time to ensure that Chilliwack FC is compliant with the latest health and safety requirements. This document may be updated and reposted without notice. It is incumbent on the members of Chilliwack FC to ensure they are aware of the latest policies.
If you have any feedback on this policy, please send it to